Laser Therapy Melbourne Acupuncture
5 Reasons Laser Therapy Can Ease
Your Pain
Laser therapy or Laser acupuncture is a 100% painless 100% non-invasive therapy that involves
low-intensity laser light to reduce inflammation, promote tissue regeneration
and reduce pain.
1. Pain free non-invasive treatment: There is no heat or pain felt at the location of
application, in fact, no sensation is felt at all.
2. Effective: Over 3,000 studies that prove a positive effect
including one meta-analysis in the lancet
journal showing laser acupuncture well outperforming pain medication for
long-term pain relief.
3. Reduced Dependency on Medication: Pain
medication can be a very useful panacea. However, it is not something you
should or is designed to be relied on. Prolonged use of certain pain medications
can damage internal organs and lead to addiction.
4. Safety: As laser acupuncture is low powered, non-invasive and has
been tested extensively over the last 50 years, there are no side-effects
related to treatment. Occasional soreness is felt the following day, but this
is often associated to healing changes in the tissue. This is very rare and
would not last longer than 24 hours or be a pain threshold higher than the
original pain complaint.
5. Reduces Pain & Improves Mood: Most patients notice an improvement within minutes of a
laser session. The power dosage of laser is timed by the laser computer to
deliver the exact amount of laser light required to reduce pain. The
stimulation of anti-inflammation and pain relief naturally raises endorphins
and improves mood from gentle pain relief.
Call our clinic now for pain
relief laser acupuncture with Chris Eddy, our registered doctor of Chinese
Most common pain conditions
take 3-12, 15 minute sessions. Don’t put up with that pain any longer!
Chris Eddy at Rowen D’Souza
Suite 712/365 Little Collins
St Melbourne
Call: (03) 8676 0599
Chris has over 10 years
practical experience. He has trained in Melbourne and China and also teaches
Chinese Medicine at RMIT University. Chris is registered in Australia with